Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Rahim  ke Dohe

रहिमन धागा प्रेम का, मत तोड़ो चटकाय
टूट से फिर ना जुडे, जुडे गाँठ पद जाये

Don't allow the delicate thread of love (between individuals) to snap. Once it snaps, it cannot be rejoined and if you do rejoin it, there is a knot in it.

रहिमन बदन को देख के, लघु ना दीजे दार
जहाँ काम आये सुई, क्या करे तलवार

When you are introduced to an important/rich person, do not ignore or forget your poor friends. For if, for example, you need a needle to successfully complete a job, of what use is a sword!

सर ते कात्ये, मलियत लॉन लगये
रहिमन करुए मुख को खीर चाहियत ईही सजाये

To cure a bitter cucumber,we cut its head off and rub in salt. To cure a bitter mouth we should apply the same remedy

जे रहीम उत्तम प्रकृति, का करीत सकत कुसंग
चन्दन वीष व्यापत नही, लिपटे रहत भुजुंग

How will evil corrupt, he who has an excellent character? After all does the sandalwood become poisonous by having snakes lie around its trunk?

कही रहीम सम्पति सगे, बनत बहु बहु रीत
बिपति कसोती जे कसे, ते ही सांचे मीत

People will find many many ways to be related to fortune. But only he is a true friend, who stands by you in misfortune

रहीम वे नर मर चुके, जे कहू मंगन ची
उन्ते पहेल वे मुई, जिन मुख निकसत नही

He who has to beg is no longer a manBut those who refuse were never men to begin with.

मीठा सब से बोलिए, फैले सुख चहुँ ओरे!
वाशिकर्ण है मंत्र येही, ताज दे वचन कठोर !!

Meaning we should speak sweet (politely) to every oneThis mantra is called washikaran because it overpowers others so give up harsh words!!Easier said than done but the truth remains that politeness always wins